Our overwhelming interest has been to combine the harsh realities of business with all the benefits good architecture can bring.
Walmer Yard, Londonwith Peter Salter Architects

50 Carnwath Road, Phase 1, Piper Building, Fulhamwith Robin Lee Architects

20-25 Middlemass Green, Pewseywith Tony Fretton Architects

Old Paint Factory, Wandsworthwith Robin Lee Architecture

Ransomes Dock, Batterseawith Bronwen Freeman Interiors

Rooftop Smarts Place, Covent Gardenwith David Kohn Architects

71 Queensway, Bayswaterwith Robin Lee Architecture

125 Moore Park Road, Fulhamwith Stephen Taylor Architects

Lambourn, Berkshirewith ARU

Vassall Road, Brixtonwith Tony Fretton Architects

Craddock Cottages, Gomshallwith Stephen Taylor Architects

Smarts Place, Covent Gardenwith Robin Lee Architects

Sheeling Close, Aldershotwith Sergison Bates architects

Sky Houses, Ransomes Dock, Batterseawith 6a architects

Wandsworth Workshops, Wandsworthwith Sergison Bates architects

Wandsworth Tower, Wandsworthwith Sergision Bates architects

Piper Building, Fulhamwith Lifschutz Davidson